Automation in the workplace: More than just a “Light Bulb Moment”

Have you considered a transition to full automation for your business? If so, then here is a brilliant idea: start with the lighting!

Automated lighting control offers multiple benefits to business owners. Here are few examples.

  • Significant savings on electric costs, possibly as much as 60%
  • Using less energy is environmentally friendly
  • Experts consider commercial lighting controls to be the first step toward a full BAS (building automation system)
  • Increased security- such as motion sensors and lights which can be linked to alarms

HALT! Who goes there? Forgetful friend or foe?

Motion sensor technology now makes it easy to control when, where and how long lights are on. This greatly reduces energy costs by only lighting rooms which are being used.

It’s a great back-up plan too, because there’s a Forgetful Joe employed at almost every company. You know, he’s the guy who never turns any lights off.

This motion-activated feature can also be programmed as a security measure during closed hours. The 3 a.m. thief certainly won’t appreciate it!

Don’t be left in the dark…

Automated lighting is a major, fast-growing trend for commercial buildings.

Adam Hise, with Harbor Research, recently attended Haystack Connect 2017. This smart technologies conference was held in Florida in May. Hise reports that “digitization is redrawing the competitive landscape” for businesses. To keep up with the times, business owners must become enlightened about all that digital lighting and other BAS features can offer!

In the mood

Does dim light really encourage relaxation or romantic emotions? Do bright lights increase work productivity in employees?

Lighting control professionals can combine psychology and technology to create the best atmosphere to affect customers and staff. What’s better than having control of these elements based on the unique goals of your business?

We know automation

Rosenberg Interior Technologists is highly qualified in all aspects of lighting control for the workplace. Please contact us soon to discover how we can design the best automated system for your company.

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