Three Current Trends in Elite Smart Home Automation

Countless science fiction movies have been made where computers do almost everything for us from dressing us to providing us with anti-gravity belts. Or, was that something I remember seeing on several episodes of The Jetsons? Either way, it seems reality is beginning to blend pretty closely with science fiction in the world of smart home automation. We’re not quite at the point where we are wearing anti-gravity belts to work yet, but we do have quite a few interesting trends that are beginning to emerge.

smart home automation

Smart Home Automation Trends

The following is a list of three to keep an eye out for.

  1. Remote Security – Even the most trusting among today’s population realizes the need for increased security. As we gain more prized possessions from giant, flat screen televisions to high end smartphones, there becomes a bigger and bigger need for advanced home security to protect it all. Advanced home security systems of today allow you to arm and disarm your security alarms with the touch of a button while you’re at work or anywhere else. There are even doorbell systems that act as security cameras and allow you to monitor your premises while you’re away. You owe it to yourself to at least explore and consider some of the state-of-the-art options that modern technology will allow for your peace of mind.
  2. Cost and Energy Savings – Also available remotely with the touch of a button is a home thermostat system that will allow you to turn up or down the heat and air conditioning of your home. Save both, energy and money, by smartly turning down the heat when nobody is home.
  3. Gadgets with Style – Today’s technology comes equipped with more than just elite function, they come with elite style too. There is an air of sleekness and sophistication to the smart home automation tools of today that are sure to please even the pickiest of home decor fashionistas.

Please contact us at Rosenberg Interior Technologists today for more information on any of our expert smart home automation installations and services.

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