Smart Home Tech Might Work Better Than an Alarm System

With the recent time change, it gets dark earlier, and as we head into the winter months, the hours of daylight will become even more limited. While many New Yorkers dread this time of year, there are some that enjoy it. Thieves look forward to the increased darkness because it offers them more opportunity to take advantage of others. Automated lights and smart window treatments might work just as well as an alarm system though.

For a burglar, a dark home is an invitation. When looking for a target, they will watch the family’s routine, and then wait for the sign that it’s time to go to work: no lights on.

Years ago, many households used manual plug-in timers to give the appearance that someone was home. The problem was, they came on at exactly the same time every day, and went off just the same. Anyone paying attention could tell they were on timers.

The invention of automated window coverings and lights has changed everything. From your smartphone, you can turn different lights on at different times, making it look like the house is buzzing with activity. Add in smart window treatments, which operate through a phone app too, and no burglar will ever even approach your home.

Not only is home automation convenient, but it can be used as an extra level of protection for your house and family. For more information, contact us.

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