Install Blackout Curtains & Save On Cooling Costs This Summer

While your air conditioning is being overworked during the summer months, people often reflect on their energy bill. However, keeping your entire house cool with increasing temperatures is no easy task. Today, let’s talk about using blackout curtains to help cool down your house and your energy bill as well.

Reduce Heat Transferred from Outside

Blackout curtains can reduce the amount of heat that transfers its way through your windows by nearly 24 percent! Thus, keeping your rooms cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter which in turn helps reduce your energy bill. Plus, this can also help extend the life of your cooling and heating system since it will have less work to do.

Shut Off Your Air Conditioner

Blackout curtains can have a huge impact on keeping temperatures down inside your home – which reduces the amount of work your air conditioners need to do. Blackout curtains can reduce interior heat and reduce your electric bill nearly two-fold. Plus, it makes for a more comfortable home without weighing down your wallet.

Reduce Your Energy Bill Year Round

Insulated curtains, such as blackout curtains, can have a huge impact no matter the season. You really can save all year long. People often find themselves getting rid of their portable fans and window air conditioners when they realize how well blackout curtains actually work.

To learn more about the benefits of blackout curtains or purchase your own set, contact us.

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