The Days Of Coming Home To A Dark, Cold Home Are Over!

Smart Home Automation Has Changed Everything

It’s winter in New York, and while the city is quite magical in December, it loses much of its charm in January and February. And one of the worst parts of this time of year, is coming home to a dark, cold home. Luckily smart home automation can change all that.

How many times have you arrived home at night, only to be greeted by complete darkness? Not only is it depressing, but it’s a safety issue as well. Lighting that can be controlled by an app means you can turn on your lights from anywhere. So with the tap of your phone, you can make coming home easier, safer and definitely cozier.

There are other automated features that can help you get through the cold days of winter too. Automated shades not only provide privacy, but closing them on a particularly cold or windy day can help hold in the heat and save on energy costs. You don’t always know how the weather might change after you walk out the door, but automated shades allow you the freedom to control your window treatments even when you’re not home.

You can soften the harsh days of winter with home automation. Let us help you select the right features for your home. For more information, contact us.

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