Automated Lighting Control is a Must-Have for New Parents

It’s 1:30am, and there it is again, your baby’s crying. At this point, you’re probably going on two hours of sleep and not thinking clearly. You go into the baby’s room and flip on the light. Suddenly, those sweet cries have gone from a soft “I’m kind of hungry” to a screaming “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?”

As a new parent, you have enough to worry about. Your hands are always full. You are sleep deprived. You are adjusting to a new life. Any little convenience can make a big difference.

While automated lighting control may not seem like a must-have, especially on top of all the things you have to buy for the baby, it can change your life. Instead of going into the baby’s room and flipping a switch, you can grab your smart phone dimly light the baby’s room – enough so you can see, but not so much to startle the baby. If you co-sleep with your newborn, you can automate the lights in your own bedroom to have a dim “feeding” setting so you don’t disrupt your partner’s sleep (and vice versa).

Another reason automated lighting is helpful for new parents is the fact that it can be linked to security systems. Most new parents rethink their home security once a little one comes into the picture. Automated lights can alert you to an intrusion, so all you have to worry about is scooping up the baby and getting to safety. And once that baby is a teenager, you can set the lights to alert you if he/she is attempting to sneak out.

In the end, any kind of home automation system is helpful for new parents, simply because it takes one thing off your plate. Contact us to discuss how we can help make your life a little easier.

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