3 Reasons You Want a Whole House Music System

Every music lover works tirelessly to enhance their listening experience. They read up on the best speakers and the best music sites. If they really want to give themselves the gift of total music immersion, they get a whole house music system.

whole house music system rosenberg interior technologists

Why invest in a whole house music system?

Full Immersion

When you can get your music of choice in every room, you can dive into every facet, squeezing the last ounce of enjoyment out of the experience. There’s no better way to find the right acoustic situation for your music of choice, nor to isolate your favorite drum solo.


Normally, if you are doing chores around the home and you want to listen to music while you work, you have 2 options. You can crank up the volume of your stationary radio, iPod, or other music disseminating device until you can hear it in every room of the house. This leaves one room with music that is uncomfortably loud or a bunch of rooms where the sound is barely audible.

The other option is carting around your iPod with the headphones on your ears. This risks your iPod falling out of your pocket, the headphones getting tangled up, and the headphones suddenly detaching from your iPod right as you were getting to the good part.

With the music system throughout the house, you can enjoy music in every room without further work.

Great For Parties

Now your guests can enjoy the music wherever they are. You can keep the volume at a comfortable level everywhere so they can talk and they will still be able to hear the lyrics clearly. It also allows you to use music as an indicator of time. You can start the music at the start of the party with lots of fast songs and end the party on a few slow songs, and everyone in the house will be able to follow the lead.

Music lovers everywhere can now celebrate their love throughout their home, and we are only too glad to make it happen. If you are interested, contact us.

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